Shopping Addiction & Covid: Pandemic impact on increase of compulsive buying

Shopping Addiction

The Pandemic Years from 2020 to early 2022 were a huge stressor on the world and nation. So the studies emerging from that period are demonstrating just what impact these years might have had on our lives.

Researchers Maraz & Yi (2022) did a study on spending habits in the first half year of the pandemic (click here for the details).

They found that compulsive buying tendencies increased in the early months of the pandemic. Both online and in person compulsive buying increased during the pandemic.

Folks with higher social economic status (SES) showed a high rate of compulsive buying habits throughout the entire study. The researchers also found similar compulsive buying traits in lower SES groups upon the introduction of funding with the stimulus package CARES Act.

For many, this sort of compulsive shopping likely was a source of great relief during a historically stressful time.

However, some people still continue to find themselves stuck in this compulsive spending habit.

If you or someone you know might need help with this, have them give me a call! If I am not a good fit, I will help them find someone who is.

Phone: 713-291-9553


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