Design the exact relationship with money that you want…


Financial Therapy integrates the cognitive, emotional, spiritual, relational, and economic factors that have an impact on your life and relationships.

Money problems are cited as the most frequent sources of stress in marriages and families.  

Financial Therapy with a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist helps to alleviate these stressors with pragmatic solutions to financial problems.

From Gambling Addiction to budgeting ... I am here to help custom design a plan to help you have the exact relationship with money that you want.

Money conversations do NOT have to be hard ...

Financial Therapy is a way to change the way you feel and communicate about money!

During the course of Financial Therapy we can:

  • Make a budget that both people in the relationship can agree with

  • Address disruptive spending habits

  • Determine resource allocations

  • Set up a plan for your financial and relational future

*n.b. I am not a Certified Financial Planner, and thus will not make any investment recommendations to you. 

In Financial Therapy, there are some categories of difficulties that have formal diagnoses (i.e. Gambling Disorder) and others that are problematic behaviors often linked to stress and the use of money as a coping mechanism.

Below is a list of a few such difficulties that can be helped with Financial Therapy.

If you are in a committed relationship, the Couples Financial Therapy approach is likely going to fit your needs the best as issues around finances are generally a relational issue. At times, however, I will do a few individual sessions before introducing the other partner of the couple.

Frequently linked to stress, compulsive buying and overspending can wreak havoc on your budget and your relationships. Addressing these anxieties in a healthy way can help get the spending under control.

Formally diagnosed as Gambling Disorder, this can take many forms — from casinos and lotteries, to risky investments and betting behaviors.

Are you or your partner unable to '“leave work at the office”? This compulsion to work longer than expected can result in relational problems as well as physical and mental health issues.

Hoarding does not have to be of physical items; it can also mean taking a positive behavior like saving money to an extreme. It can present as a problem once a ‘hoarder’ gets into a relationship.

Infidelity can extend beyond ‘cheating’ on your partner. Financial infidelity is when there is secrecy or dishonesty over money issues. Couples Financial Therapy can help heal from this. Click Here for information on the Financial Infidelity Scale.


This is when parents cross boundaries by involving children in adult financial conversations and decisions. Being open about finances with children is healthy, but using children to cope with financial anxieties can be damaging.

Financial Dependence

Financial Dependence

Reliance on others for non-work income can lead to anxiety, feelings of stifled motivation, incompetence, and a disconnection from passion.

Financial Enabling

Financial Enabling

The inability to say no when people continually ask for money. This is a violation of financial boundaries.